Kororāreka Marae is a Community Marae

‘A meeting place for all peoples from every place, from “ngā hau e wha”, the four winds.’

Ko Maiki te maunga, Ko Pikopiko i Whiti te moana,

Ko Kororāreka te pākainga, Ko Rahiri te tupuna,

Ko Haratu te Whare.

The marae is located in the centre of the township, the heart of the community; a central place to come together.

The whare is located on the beautiful shores of Kororāreka Bay, Ipipiri, Bay of Islands. It is a place for hui, a place for connection, and a hub for hapori whānui, our wider community.

Our Kaupapa.


The Kororāreka marae Society was formed in 1991 with the purpose of establishing a community marae in Kororāreka, Russell. The vision was to secure a Marae as a whare rūnanga, a wharenui, a whare whakairo, open to all who live here, as well as the wider community of our rohe. The Marae was established for the benefit of all, young and old, and to celebrate Te Ao Māori.

The site of the marae is significant because the former pā-kainga of chief Rewa Mānu (Ngai Tawake ki Moana, Patukeha) was on this whenua and was were he had his own whare. Our current whare is named “Haratu", after the name of Rewa’s whare.

Our kaupapa:

To practice and promote Tikanga Māori within the Kororāreka area

To undertake to be the Tangata Kaitiaki for the environments of Kororāreka

To promote and facilitate the teaching of Te Reo Maori

To provide support for Kuia and Kaumatua

To promote good health practices by working with appropriate Hau Ora organisations

To support and act in concert with Te Runanga O Taumarere ki Rakaumangamanga