Rāhui of Orongo and Pomare Bays 2023

2023 was the 5th year of rāhui of Orongo and Pomare bays. The rāhui has become a feature of the calendar and accepted by the wider Kororāreka community as a real conservation effort. Slowly the bays are starting to show real signs of recovery, a great kaitiaki effort.

The rāhui was introduced introduced by Kororāreka Marae after local fishermen and whānau reported the absence of kaimoana which had once been abundant. It runs from 1st September to 31st December each year when the fish are spawning and is intended to allow the adults to breed unmolested and the young sprats and juveniles to be able to grow to adulthood.

It’s certainly doing the trick. Large schools of juvenile ika up to a hectare area in size are now being seen, mullet, kahawai and other estuary fish, all had manu/birds working over them. Some birds and fish have not been seen in these numbers for many years.

Unfortunately, there have not been any reports of an increase in the shellfish take or their condition, we welcome anyone’s observations.

Fishing at Kororāreka wharf has improved and ika sightings are becoming the norm, even sharks have been sighted swimming around the wharf.  

Flyers were printed for handing out and signs placed around the bay. This year the cost was donated by a Te Waihapu resident who also donated last year. Unfortunately three signs have disappeared at the Te Waihapu boat ramp. Four other signs were damaged so need replacing. The handouts have all been used so will need reprinting.

There have been a few breaches of the rāhui, only three by all reports; all were spoken to and made aware of the rāhui, with two apologising and moving on. Unfortunately one person chose to ignore it even after being spoken to by the kind person who donated the cost of the signs.

Overall the rāhui is becoming the norm and accepted by most, all want it to continue and praise Kororāreka Marae for the initiative. We believe that it should continue in consultation with our neighbouring hapū.


Te waharoa ki Kororāreka, ko te huinga o nga rangatira


Annual Commemoration of the Battle of Kororāreka at Maiki and Christ Church